Monday, September 14, 2009


This last week the kids and I have just been busy busy with canning apples of all sorts. We've done apple butter, apple juice, apple pie filling, dried apples, and apple jelly that is more like apple syrup. That's occupied a lot of our time. We've been busy painting and putting back together a bathroom. Playing outside has been another thing that we've been doing a lot of because these nice days are limited. I was outside pulling weeds the other day while Ally and her friend played and Ben was asleep on the blanket outside. Our neighbor came over and offered his big trimmers/clippers. I was using a small hand clipper and it wasn't doing much good on the BIG weeds I was trying to get rid of. His clippers did a great job and I was so thankful for them. I think he was just trying to get me to trim the bushes that were starting to take over the yard between our houses. So that I did, I trimmed the bushes back and should have done more because they were that bad. Another day...

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