Thursday, March 04, 2010

Smart girl

Some of you might be thinking "how does Ally know who Shaun White and Lindsey Jacobellis are?" The answer: we watched LOTS of the Winter X Games and then lots and lots of the olympics. She was watching the X Games when Shaun White smacked his face on the wall and then he took his helmet off and threw his head full of hair back. She has a great memory.

The other day we were in Ben's room/the nursery and she started telling me where the previous owner had things "the desk was here and there was a computer on it and there was a phone over there and a tv right here, then there was a doll on top of this....." Matt and I could tell you she used the room as an office, but I don't think we could tell you all the details like Ally.

1 comment:

MaiTy said...

WOW, that photographic memory will serve her VERY well some day!!