Thursday, May 26, 2011

I found out his name

His name is Mr. Wood Spider.  And he does come inside my house looking for other tasty insects to eat.  Ewww.  Since the energy company (that will remain nameless, but you know their name if you live in Plainfield) came and cut down the trees that obviously was home to all the gross bugs, they came into my home to find comfort.  We had an exterminator come and take a look at the ugly spider.  The guy himself is afraid of spiders (I think he's in the wrong line of work) but was super nice and even picked up my jar that contained Mr. Wood Spider to identify him.  I am half tempted to call the energy company and demand they pay for exterminator service for a year, but then I have to go through the trouble of trying to remember what I did with the guys number.  If anyone out there has the phone number for the guy over this mess in my backyard, if you could share it with me, so I don't have to try to locate his card, that might possibly be in the trash, that'd be SUPER! 


Create and Cook said...

Jason has his name/phone number stored in his phone I think (due to the multiple calls we've had to make about them tearing out bushes unannounced, stealing wood, etc). I will try to get it from him today & email it to you.

Create and Cook said...

Jason has his name/phone number stored in his phone I think (due to the multiple calls we've had to make about them tearing out bushes unannounced, stealing wood, etc). I will try to get it from him today & email it to you.