Thursday, March 22, 2012


Today at Wal-Mart the kids and I were doing a quick shopping trip.  Ben was in the big part of the cart, Lucy in the seat of the shopping cart and Josey in the bjorn.  The kids were being good and QUIET (seriously, they were really well behaved) and this man that was walking past us, stops and says "I think you need 1 more".  To that I said" I have 2 more that aren't with me right now".  His mouth fell open and all he muttered was "oh" and then quickly walked away.  This has happened several times recently.  When I have Ally with me and it happens, she's always quick to make sure they know that Cosette isn't here with us. 

1 comment:

Jer n' Stef said...

The things people say in passing sure do make outings interesting don't they! Most people move along without saying a word but there are a handful out there that can't help themselves.

Just the other day I had our 3 preschoolers in tow at walmart and a lady felt the need to enlighten me by saying "Wow! You sure do have your hands full! Ha ha ha!" I just smiled and said "Yeah, I have 4 that are in school right now so this is nothing." I just kept moving and let her pick her jaw up off the floor.

Another favorite rebuttal line my sister-in-law shared with me is "What do you care? You're not paying for them." Lol! So true. I try to take the comments as compliments because what they see as insanity I find a tremendous amount of joy in that they'll never be able to know for themselves.