Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March 15

I love these chubby baby legs.
Such a fun boy.
 Can you see the storm moving in? 
We here at the Horn Abode LOVE LOVE great big thunderstorms. I can't wait till the kids are a bit bigger so they can play outside during rainstorms.  I remember playing outside during hail storms and thunderstorms and a few times when tornads were incredibly close (we didn't have sirens back then to let us know to get indoors).  We like to sit on our back porch and watch the storms.  LOVE LOVE doing this with my kiddos.

 I just want to kiss her...she's so cute!
 Don't you just love her face?  I sure do!
 Lucy decided that she wanted to start going through the terrible 2's a bit early.
Maybe she'll get out of them sooner this way...just maybe.
She's very demanding and MEAN.  But she can be so so sweet.  We will get through this, we will.

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