Thursday, September 19, 2013

A rough night with a tough girl

She has officially figured out how to climb out of the crib at lightning speed.
I thought I had resolved part of the problem with a gate in the doorway.
She proceeded to shut the door and lock it.  After 5 frustrating minutes of talking her through unlocking her door, I gave up with trying to get her to unlock the door.  If she wants out, she'll figure it out.  Then she figured out how to flip herself over this gate, that she didn't know how to climb over before last night.  Mommy was exhausted and daddy was at church.  The double gate went into effect and that's when she let out shrieks, screams and cries that were ever so ear piercing.  Matt ended up coming home and taking over so I could go to bed (I had spent 2 hours dealing with bedtime and this crazy 2 yr old.)  At 1:30am I heard her climb her gate and start her decent down the stairs.  I woke Matt up and started to move Lucy to her bed.  Handed her off to Matt, so I could deal with a little girl that just wanted her mommy.   The girl is relentless in her requests for chocolate milk.  She asks for it so politely and in such a nice voice, but turns into a broken record when you keep telling her "no". 
Finally she gave up the fight of asking for it and crashed in our bed.  My friend is letting me borrow a sleep sack made for a big kid and we'll see if that does the trick for keeping her in her crib or at least in her room.

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