Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Jo is funny

Yesterday she decided all on her own that she wanted mommy to get her pink potty out.  So I reluctantly got it out and set it up for her.  Then she asked me to remove her diaper.  She looks at her diaper and says "my diaper is so yucky, don't eat it mom!"  1. it was just a wet diaper, not a stinky one and 2. WHY WHY WHY would she think I would eat her diaper?  She ended up not having any accidents yesterday and peed in her pink potty after dinner, all on her own.  I have yet to ask her to sit on the potty, she keeps doing it on her own.  Here's to hoping the potty thing sticks, but after potty training 3 kids I'm not opposed to going back to diapers if she's not ready.  There's no sense in potty training a kid that isn't interested. 

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