Friday, May 20, 2011


Lucy- walking 75% of the time and crawling the other 25%.  Waves bye.  Screams at you when you have something she wants.  Is super awesome at sitting in the stroller for almost 3 hours at the zoo.  As long as she has her blanket, she's good to go.  Knows how to bug her sister and brother.  Loves to push buttons on the laptop when you're trying to use it.  Loves to have an extra 30 minutes or so in the evening with mommy and daddy by herself.  Has 1 tooth all the way through and 3 teeth already popping through the gums, luckily she's been her happy self and we've not dealt with slobber.  If you ask her for a kiss, she opens up and leans in (LOVE IT). 

Ben- talking more and more each day.  Loves rocks and any activity involving rocks.  Wants to be mommy's helper, but not quite there yet.  Loves bikes and balls.  Will go pee on the potty when you sit him on there, but don't trust him in underwear because he won't tell you when he has to go.  Likes to make deals; if you take a bite, you can have this.  Likes to have his picture taken and then wants to see it immediately.  Great at loving on Lucy.  Has realized that if you call daddy "Matt" he starts to get annoyed after a while, so he keeps doing it.  While daddy is at work, he tries to refer to him as Matt.  Getting braver at the park and what he's willing to try.  He's still working on 2 canines that are ever so slowly working their way through.

Ally- excited about school, but worried about leaving mommy for so long.  She's not so sure about all day K and said she'd rather be there a little bit.  GREAT helper.  Getting better at listening.  Tries really hard at everything she does.  Needs to work on her sleep habits, but I guess when mom and dad were early risers at the same age it's hard not to follow!  Loves to do homework and asks to do it all the time.  Enjoys playing games, even if she doesn't win.  Going to the dentist on Monday with Daddy.  She's a fabulous big sister and really shines when Ben and Lucy let her help them.  We've been working on pronunciation of certain words and she's started to correct herself when she's realized she's said a word incorrectly.  Likes to put her outfits together (even if she's dressed in pink head-to-toe, because if it's pink it matches, right?).  Has a 2nd tooth that is wiggly and quite excited. 

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